Thursday, October 25, 2007

For those that ask....

Why I don't use my own girls as models for my clothing. Here is a prime example!!

Here is Kendall in a new set of mine... just had her put it on really quickly for a picture.
Don't mind her toys all over the floor...

And... here is Chloe in the same outfit. Which one would you rather buy??
This is the reason I send my sets out to a model. I get back WONDERFUL pictures.. and no fighting with Kendall to look away from the TV for 2 seconds!

I did it!

Here is Kami... they thought these huge pumpkins were sooo cool. She was very intrigued that this one she was sitting on was $150. Can you imagine trying to get the seeds out of that thing!

Chandler sitting on another huge pumpkin. The wind was blowin like crazy.

Here is Miss Kendall with her eyes closed... as usual! This kid takes some of the goofiest pictures...

Here they are all together.. and all smiling. What a rare occurence!!